We are open for those who want to shop with us through our store or online at www.huset.com.au or until we are directed to close by the Government.
Our primary focus is the health and safety of our staff, customers and suppliers.
We follow all the recommendations from the Australian Government and the World Health Organization.
We are still here for you, but you choose how you meet with us.
- Our store is open, as normal, with continued social distancing.
- We have increased our cleaning and sanitizing procedures & frequency.
- We have also increased our focus on personal hygiene for all co-workers and contractors but as yet we cannot provide hand sanitising at the shop door.
- Any staff members who are unwell have been asked to stay home.
- Any staff members who have family who are unwell have been asked to stay home.
- Any staff members who have traveled overseas have asked to stay at home.
- As usual, you can shop with us on www.huset.com.au where you will find our entire range. You can rest assured that our delivery service providers have the same strict approach to health and safety as we do.